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Zebrafish as a model to study cognitive functions in normal and altered conditions

Aula A, Complesso Vallisneri, Via Ugo Bassi, 58/B - Padova


"Assessment of behavioural outcomes in animal models plays a crucial role in determining both normal cognitive functions and dysfunctions that recapitulate human symptoms of brain disorders. Understanding the pathogenesis of the complex behavioural alterations that characterize neurological diseases is a major challenge for biomedical research. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have demonstrated that fish possess complex cognitive abilities and exhibit sophisticated behaviors. For instance, laboratory studies have shown that the accuracy of fish, zebrafish included, in quantity judgements is comparable to that of many birds and mammals. The finding that zebrafish possesses quantitative skills, raises the possibility of using this species as a model to investigate both the genetic mechanisms and the neural circuitry underpinning numerosity representation and the role of potential genes associated with developmental disorders, like dyscalculia. Zebrafish also shares another interesting feature common to all vertebrates, the brain functional lateralization. Atypical functional lateralization has been associated with cognitive disfunctions and neuropsychiatric disorders, but it is unclear whether these abnormalities are causes or consequences of disease. My findings suggest that some patterns of altered brain asymmetries observed in zebrafish have a causative effect on behaviour and cognition. All together, these results suggest that zebrafish have great potential to improve our understanding of behavioral phenotypes associated with neurological conditions in order to characterize the impact of the underlying molecular mechanisms as well as the identification of potential therapeutics."



Future emerging technology in Neuroscience ethics and social implication related to SYNCH project

Barco Teatro, Via Orto Botanico, 12 - 35123 Padova

Future emerging technology in Neuroscience ethics and social implication related to SYNCH projectEvento promosso dal prof. Stefano Vassanelli del Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e dal prof. Federico Neresini e dalla dott.ssa Barbara Morsello del Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e



Seminario | Why does mitochondrial dysfunction target specific cell types?

Aula 0A del Complesso Vallisneri, in via Ugo Bassi 58/B, Padova

Giovedì 23 marzo alle ore 17:00 in occasione degli incontri organizzati dal PhD program in Biomedical Sciences, il Prof. Patrick Chinnery (University of Cambridge, UK) presenta il seminario "Why does mitochondrial dysfunction target specific cell types?", presso l'Aula 0A del Complesso Vallisneri,



Open day Scienze Motorie

Incontro di presentazione del corso di laurea triennale in Scienze Motorie per l'anno accademico 2023/2024 dedicato a studenti e studentesse delle scuole secondarie superiori e alle loro famiglie. L'evento si svolgerà lunedì 13 marzo dalle ore 18:15 alle 18:30 presso l'Aula Morgagni del Policlinico



Seminario | Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 2 (UCP2): a master regulator of cell metabolic reprogramming

Giovedì 9 marzo alle ore 17:00 in occasione degli incontri organizzati dal PhD program in Biomedical Sciences, il Prof. Giuseppe Fiermonte (Università di Bari) presenta il seminario "Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 2 (UCP2): a master regulator of cell metabolic reprogramming", presso l'Aula Magna
